2019 New Year’s Resolutions

2018 has seen some tragedies. In July, my grandpa in Taiwan passed away, and a week later I was let go from my job. Then earlier this month in December, I was laid off from a position I barely held for 5 months, all due to company restructuring. I got rejected multiple times from companies during my job hunt, including those I made to the final stages and felt pretty confident about receiving offers. So I’m heading into 2019 both cynical and unemployed.

I had written these first 3 resolutions before my December layoff, and haven’t changed them. I do, however, want to add a 4th.


Ever since a few years ago, I stopped worrying so much about the number on the scale and focused more on what really counted: body fat percentage. So I had a goal to drop down to 20% body fat. Last I checked (3/23/18) I was at 23.4%. I have a feeling that I haven’t really improved much since then, so I’m renewing this resolution for 2019. Recently since moving to a new job and starting work an hour earlier, it meant it was harder for me to workout in the mornings like I usually did. As a result, I felt more sluggish throughout the day and completely unmotivated after work to get to the gym. For 2019, I’m probably going to commit to Kayla Itsine’s BBG program for convenience of working out at home!

Calling Out

So many times in my life, I’ve ignored situations unfolding right in front of me because I knew confrontation would be awkward, uncomfortable, maybe even dangerous. This can apply to bouts of sexual harassment, turning a blind eye to something, you name it. And usually I’d vent or talk it out with someone afterwards rather than take action at the spur of the moment. During Friendsgiving this year, I witnessed an asshole repeatedly hit my friend’s dog in the muzzle because she was sniffing at food on the table. (The friend was away for the holiday but her dog was around.) Instead of calling him out, I complained about it to my bf and another friend who was dog-sitting. I knew that if I called that asshole out, the evening would end up awkward. I vow that in 2019, I will stop hesitating in these situations and have the courage and audacity speak up!

Laziness + Discipline

Have you ever thought about doing something in that moment and then think, “nah!” and carry on? I’m guilty of this more frequently than not. It can range from, “oh I need to take that Tupperware home,” or “I should pick up that thing from the ground” and it’s so easy for me to dismiss that thought in my head. This year, I want to STOP being lazy, become more disciplined, and DO whatever it is that needs to be done. I’m going to stop thinking that I can do it later.

Happiness and Meaning

We spend 1/3 of our lives sleeping, 1/3 of our lives at a typical day job, and the last 1/3 doing things that give us pleasure. I care a lot about my sleep and need more than the average 8 hours, so I do cherish my bed for that. And since I’m going into 2019 unemployed, it’s definitely a resolution for me to find a job that is stable and is ultimately something that I enjoy. As for the remaining 1/3 of my life, I want to focus on: developing hobbies, working on this blog, spending time with my dog, calling my parents more, upping my skincare routine, discovering more of LA, getting dinners with friends, annoying Erik, and taking care of me.

Thanks for reading! What are your New year’s resolutions?

xx Sam

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